Egg Mystery SOLVED!!!

Egg Mystery SOLVED!!!

So the other day, I found a lone tiny brownish pointy egg in the coop, our very first egg. I was so excited!  Now our 6 hens and 1 Guinea hen are not really up to age to lay an egg so it was a big surprise to see an egg just laying on the floor near the water dish. I picked it up and it was so small. We have a miniature bantam in our coop, but it was a bit bigger than what would be her egg. Anyhoo, a few days go by and I took my 3 Guinea's (one hen and two roos) and put them out for free range. A few hours later I carry my happy ass on out to the coop to check on them and the Guineas are in the garden. No big deal. My hen, her name is Sundance, is laying down. I go to move her and lo and behold an egg. Yep just like the one from a few days before. We have found our egg layer!
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